CoCo Archive


What have you done with your money? Just give us a little quick tip here.

CNBC LO&CO 2002年

Is it true? I’ve heard that your mom told you early in your career that you really need lessons and you need to learn to shake your booty.

Is that true?

A conservative Chinese mom is going, “I want my daughter to shake her bums.”

CNBC LO&CO 2002年

你刚才也说了家庭的背景 爸爸在你未出生的时候离开了 是什么事? 

但你妈妈也很厉害 她好像是读针灸 读医的 





旧日的足迹 2012年

为什么这个机会会落在李玟的手上 卧虎藏龙的主题曲 




她就会变得很 不准这样 她不会的?

旧日的足迹 2012年
Bloomberg Asian Stars – Meeting CoCo Lee 2012年
CCTV News 2013年




经纪人:她媽媽現在已經年紀大了 然後想到 媽媽從小到大 陪在她身邊 




所以你可能陪她的時間 也比較 現在工作忙 也比較少 



苹果人物-听不清的母女情话 2013年

你這樣說好像Toy Story 

Next Magazine第1263期 – 香港女 李玟 2014年

或许是从小在美国生活的原因 李玟的外形和台风给人的感觉都特别像西方人 但实际上她性格中更多的是东方人的保守 是出了名听妈妈话的乖小孩   

李玟的乖巧很大一部分源于她的身世 还是怀在妈妈肚里几个月时 爸爸就突然生病去世了 此后很多年李玟都被指责为是妈妈的厄运   

此后很多年 做医生的妈妈 独自抚养着三个女儿 为了多挣点钱她一天到晚忙着找各种差事做 但仍然只能勉强让一家四口租住在一间只有双人床大小的房子里   

没有爸爸是李玟情感中最脆弱的部分 她一度觉得自卑 但是妈妈的示范 教给了她乐观和坚强   

新闻当事人 2016年

Lee’s supporting cast is never far from her mind, most of all her mother. “She’s my role model, my idol, my legend. She taught me to be a strong, independent woman. I grew up watching how hard she worked. She made me realise that if you want something in this life you have to work hard at it. You’ve got to make the effort. Because of her I was never afraid of hardship. After witnessing all the hardship my mum had been through for us, I was more determined to make it so I could give her a better life.”


#legend – Cover story: CoCo Lee being purely amazing 2016年

Lee has aspirations to be a film-maker, too. “I would like to do a movie about my mum,” she says. Her mother studied biochemistry at Peking University, having been accepted there aged 16. As a doctor in California, her mother treated AIDS and cancer patients with acupuncture and prescribed traditional Chinese medicines.


Asked who would play her mother in the film adaptation of her life, Lee thinks for half a minute. “You know who would be good? Fan Bingbing or Zhou Xun because they are strong women. The story’s got romance. It’s got conflict. It’s got humour and lots of drama. It’s always been a little dream of mine to make the film. She’s been through so much and I learned from my mum that when you have the power to help and give back, you must.”


#legend – Cover story: CoCo Lee being purely amazing 2016年

Lee has older fans, too. Every year her mother chooses a place she would like to go, and Lee takes her there. Last year it was Vienna. “We went to the famous square and she became teary,” Lee says. “My mum said that after 60-something years her daughter had helped make her dream come true. When she was 10 she’d seen a book in China about Vienna and now here it was in front of her.”


#legend – Cover story: CoCo Lee being purely amazing 2016年

The I Am a Singer final was on the late Rockowitz senior’s birthday. “I knew more than ever I had to give my best performance, as I knew he would be watching somewhere up above,” Lee says. “And I think he gave me the strength to win. That night was dedicated to my father-in-law and the whole season was dedicated to my mother, who, through the years, through thick and thin, supported and took care of us three girls on her own.

“She has gone through so much hardship but never complained. She’s the most loving and selfless mother a daughter can ask for. She lives for her daughters and we live for her. People say I’m 41 and still a mummy’s girl. I am. I’m proud of it. The trophy is sitting on the mantelpiece in her home.”


#legend – Cover story: CoCo Lee being purely amazing 2016年
#legend Interview With Coco Lee 2017年





NeufMode x 李玟丨一生可求 2022年