CoCo Archive


“You & I” 巡迴演唱會的歌單是歷年巡迴裡最豐富的,不論是歌曲、舞蹈也比過往的多,對我來說絕對是個大挑戰! 不過,在紅蔥頭淋雞還有咸蛋蛋糕打氣下,昨天順利完成佛山站了~ YEAH🎉 也給台下的你們給感動哭了,看到你們舉起「我們不後悔、今生陪coco走一回」的橫幅,我眼淚就控制不住地掉下來😭❤你們知道嗎?這句話我想對你們在場的每一個人說。給你們拍拍手👏🏽
這裡先謝謝我們美麗可愛的陳依妙(妙妙)來當特別嘉賓,混合傳統二胡合奏的《刀馬旦》有給你們驚喜嗎? 在超級興奮的情緒帶動下,動作大了點,不慎就扭到手臂了😑 接著唱《SO CRAZY》腳還抽筋了😓 常常說「累到抽筋」,這次真的玩瘋了~ 太CRAZY 就是要付出代價囉😅 哈哈,回房間時還給李媽媽抓住要針灸一下 (天呀,知道我多怕打針嗎) 這考驗好像比台上發生的更大呢 😒
“You & I” in Foshan was innnncredibbbble!!! The food, the people, what a place!!! 😍💖🥰And having the chance to feature Chen yi miao(Miaomiao)from
World’s Got Talent during “刀馬旦” helped fulfilled my love of mixing traditional Chinese instrument into my music…. btw, if u saw my IG story u probably saw I hurt my arm while dancing…Funny thing is I was dancing so hard that both legs started cramping from sweating so much.. (But I always tough it out thru all sorts of pains n injuries💪🏼) Don’t worry, I’m on my way to recovery with the help of MAMA LEE. 😝
It was such an unforgettable moment to see all of you singing along to all my songs at every show. And when I saw the banner my fans made, it made me cry so hard.. those words truly touched me. There are no words that could ever express how grateful I am to have your love and support. Love you all so much…always ❤❤❤
#COCOLEE #李玟 #COCO李玟 #李玟COCOLEE #李玟YOUANDI世界巡迴演唱會 #李玟YOUANDI #cocoleeinconcerts #YOUANDI
#斷了 #Fancy #idontcare
#music #bestsong #goodmusic #musicismylife
#喜歡加了二胡的刀馬旦嗎 #下一場會給你們什麼樣的驚喜呢

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