CoCo Archive


時間過的好快,還記得我當年新秀歌唱比賽後很幸運的和超級紅的 @sammi_chengsauman 組成團體「火熱動感lalala」❤那時一起登台宣傳時,Sammi都會熱唱她的Hit song「叮噹」🛎我都會偷偷地私下模仿她獨特的唱腔,(叮噹叮噹刺進腦海😜),之後我更沒想到師姐Sammi會翻唱我出道的歌曲「我依然是你的情人」,緣分真的很奇妙🥰25年後可以當Sammi的演唱會嘉賓😂一起站在舞台的那一刻,回到我的18歲, 好多好多的回憶湧上心頭。Sammi 姐, 感謝你邀請我做你的嘉賓,希望下次合唱不用再等25年啊👩‍❤️‍👩 😆
Tonight being Sammi’s special guest brought back a lot of memories. ❤It is a walk down memory lane, because when I was 18 I entered into a singing contest and afterwards I was put in a group of eight fabulous singers and one of them was our Queen of the Stage ⭐Sammi Cheng🌟. Never imagined in my wildest dreams that she would cover my very 1st single “I’m Still Your Lover” and tonight having the chance to sing this song with her made it extra meaningful. 👩‍❤️‍👩I can’t wait to sing with u again but let’s try not to wait another 25 years! 😆 U ROCK!!! 👸🏻❤💜🧡
#cocolee # sammicheung #You&I2019 #worldtourconcert #Areyouready #singwithcoco #李玟演唱會 #李玟 #李玟鄭秀文同台
#李玟 #Cocolee #cocolee李玟
#我依然是你的情人 #給最傷心的人
#duet #girlpower #strength #love #forever

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