CoCo Archive


And that’s how everything started. As she entered the singing contest hoping to win money to pay her mother whose car she banged up, this accidental first place finish led to a record deal.


Well, I also understand that you got your start kind of on the Asian equivalent of Star Search, is that true? 

abc, The View 2000年

I want to talk about how you got discovered. Is it true you got discovered on an American Idol type show? 

And what did you sing, though? Which I found very interesting. 


So you really have to belt it out to sing Whitney, right? 

KTNV, ABC with Lisa Remillard 2010年

So fast forward to 1993. And you talked about it earlier, the Hong Kong, the New Talent Competition. And that must have taken a lot of confidence to say, OK, I’m going to go enter myself into this competition.

And you never had formal voice training before that?

It wasn’t just singing in the shower, singing at home?

You were going to be a doctor.

Really? No stage fright at all?

Have you ever had stage fright?

CCTV News 2013年

1993年18岁的李玟 还不叫李玟而叫李美林 刚刚高中毕业的她 抱着试试看的心态报名参加了当年香港KTV新人歌唱大赛 没想到从三万多名选手中脱颖而出夺得了亚军   

你真的拿了奖的话会多想吗 会想也许我就会成为一个超级明星   

新闻当事人:天后李玟不为人知的辛酸 People IN News 2016年