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這幾天跟我媽媽和二位姊姊 (nancy n carol) 真的很難忘。
每年我都會帶媽媽到她最想去的地方,這就是我們家三姐妹和媽媽一起去旅行。(Lee Family Trip) 今年媽媽選擇布拉格(Prague) 因為她特別喜歡看文物古蹟, 總共去了四天,瞭解到很多當地文化和歷史。第二次世界戰爭這是唯一沒有被毀壞的城市。看到那麼多漂亮的古蹟感覺好像時光倒流到那個時候… 真的是個非常美的城市。
This past week was beyond amazing being with my mom and my 2 sisters (carol n nancy)… Every year I have my mom pick a place and this time she picked Prague. Mom loves sight seeing and beautiful structures so it couldn’t get better than this stunning place!!! Prague was the only city that was not bombed during WWII so all the historical landmarks were all there. Walking thru some of those places felt like we were traveling back in time. Totally mesmerising….It was such a wonderful Lee Family trip in Prague! ❤️❤️❤️

Kind: Photo



