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我的心好痛…我家的寶貝狗狗Buffy剛剛過世了… 我沒有辦法停止哭… 我太傷心難過了 …實在太難過了。今年十歲了的牠,牠跟我媽媽去散步可能吃到一些賤人放在地上的毒藥.. 醫生說牠中毒了…就這樣子就離開了。太突然了. 才不久 我陪牠玩了整天,沒想到就這樣就離開我們了。Buffy 是個超級聰明的狗狗。痛恨那些壞人放一些毒藥在路上把很多人的愛狗都毒死了。太冤枉了。我真的好難過….
My beloved Buffy (west highland terrier) just suddenly passed away. My heart is so broken in pieces. I’m a total mess right and can’t stop crying. He was with us for 10 beautiful years. We bought him for my sis nancy as a bday gift, then my mom took care of him and he become my mom’s companion for all these years. He was such a smart doggie. The vet said he probably ate poison while hiking with my mom.. Those evil people who put poison on the side walks to kill dogs! I’m so angry and so broken… It was an untimely death. His memories lives… Just hurts so bad right now… I can’t stop crying… I don’t want it to be true… I’m so sad.

Kind: Photo



